Note: This article was written as a guest blog by Jenny Harrison at Be sure to check them out. Bart Astor
While there are a million and one ads online about ‘health’ products that are supposed to be miracle cures, the reality is that most of those claims are bogus. This is especially true of hearing loss, unless of course it is a simple remedy like clearing away built up earwax that has accumulated over the years. [Ed. note: click here for an online hearing test]
Bear in mind that once you are hearing impaired there is no elixir of life that will magically restore your hearing. What you are looking to do is preserve your biological hearing mechanisms so that further damage isn’t done.
However, all hope is not lost because there are treatments which can improve overall health on a cellular level. Before being misled by falsified claims, let’s look at the facts to see what the experts say about naturally improving your hearing.
Lifestyle Choices to Avoid Hearing Loss
They say “you are what you eat” and this should be taken to heart when you are looking to preserve your hearing. Foods rich in antioxidants cleanse free radicals from the body, which in turn eliminates a number of toxins. No, these toxins are not interfering with your hearing but they can wear down your immune system so that you become more susceptible to ear infections that could cause damage to your ears.
Following are some suggestions for naturally reducing the risk of hearing loss:
ü Avoid accumulation of earwax – Hearing loss due to a build up of earwax is usually temporary but trying to clean your ears at this point can be dangerous. Be careful to clean them gently or seek the assistance of a professional so as not to puncture the eardrum.
ü Avoid loud music and noises – One of the primary causes of what is called acquired hearing loss is the continued exposure to loud music and/or noises. Always wear earplugs or other ear protection when you are going to be subjected to ear-damaging noises.
ü Exercise your ears! – Two of the greatest impairments associated with hearing loss are the inability to differentiate sound sources and to quickly accommodate to volume variations (noise levels). Take the time to train your hearing to detect one sound from another in a crowded or busy/noisy location and then work on focusing only on what you want to hear – tuning out the background noise.
These are just a few of the suggestions which audiologists and physicians make to help you keep your hearing as healthy as possible. None of these ideas are meant to imply that you can restore hearing but are intended to help you maintain your current level of hearing while perhaps improving the quality of what you can hear.
If you have already been diagnosed with hearing impairment, it is up to you to do whatever you can to keep your impairment from progressing if at all possible. Wear hearing aids if they are prescribed and keep them in optimal condition.
Live healthy, avoid overly noisy places and train your ears to hear only what you need or want to hear. Just remember not to fall prey to bogus claims of products that will magically restore your hearing. If they existed, no one would be hearing impaired – wouldn’t you say?
While there are a million and one ads online about ‘health’ products that are supposed to be miracle cures, the reality is that most of those claims are bogus. This is especially true of hearing loss, unless of course it is a simple remedy like clearing away built up earwax that has accumulated over the years. [Ed. note: click here for an online hearing test]
Bear in mind that once you are hearing impaired there is no elixir of life that will magically restore your hearing. What you are looking to do is preserve your biological hearing mechanisms so that further damage isn’t done.
However, all hope is not lost because there are treatments which can improve overall health on a cellular level. Before being misled by falsified claims, let’s look at the facts to see what the experts say about naturally improving your hearing.
Lifestyle Choices to Avoid Hearing Loss
They say “you are what you eat” and this should be taken to heart when you are looking to preserve your hearing. Foods rich in antioxidants cleanse free radicals from the body, which in turn eliminates a number of toxins. No, these toxins are not interfering with your hearing but they can wear down your immune system so that you become more susceptible to ear infections that could cause damage to your ears.
Following are some suggestions for naturally reducing the risk of hearing loss:
ü Avoid accumulation of earwax – Hearing loss due to a build up of earwax is usually temporary but trying to clean your ears at this point can be dangerous. Be careful to clean them gently or seek the assistance of a professional so as not to puncture the eardrum.
ü Avoid loud music and noises – One of the primary causes of what is called acquired hearing loss is the continued exposure to loud music and/or noises. Always wear earplugs or other ear protection when you are going to be subjected to ear-damaging noises.
ü Exercise your ears! – Two of the greatest impairments associated with hearing loss are the inability to differentiate sound sources and to quickly accommodate to volume variations (noise levels). Take the time to train your hearing to detect one sound from another in a crowded or busy/noisy location and then work on focusing only on what you want to hear – tuning out the background noise.
These are just a few of the suggestions which audiologists and physicians make to help you keep your hearing as healthy as possible. None of these ideas are meant to imply that you can restore hearing but are intended to help you maintain your current level of hearing while perhaps improving the quality of what you can hear.
If you have already been diagnosed with hearing impairment, it is up to you to do whatever you can to keep your impairment from progressing if at all possible. Wear hearing aids if they are prescribed and keep them in optimal condition.
Live healthy, avoid overly noisy places and train your ears to hear only what you need or want to hear. Just remember not to fall prey to bogus claims of products that will magically restore your hearing. If they existed, no one would be hearing impaired – wouldn’t you say?